Love it, use it, recycle it.
The Truth Beauty Company is a proud partner of Terracycle.
TerraCycle is a social enterprise , revolutionizing product lifecycles and sustainability through innovative recycling technology. They operate in 21 countries to reduce waste all around the world. With partnerships like ours, they’ve recycled and repurposed millions of pounds of resources and materials that were previously destined for landfills.
TerraCycle collects items that typically can’t be recycled by municipal facilities through their programs and Zero Waste Boxes. Here’s where you come in! Bring in your empty skincare, makeup, and haircare products so we can reduce our carbon footprint and keep our earth clean together.
Recycle with us!
We are now the home of a Zero Waste Box, specializing in beauty products and we want your empties! Please see the following list of items accepted in this box:
(Please do ensure that the items were purchased through us or one of the many brands we make a home for. As much as we would love to recycle for everyone, Terracycle is private recycling that Truth Beauty absorbs the cost for. We LOVE this idea and strongly encourage you to suggest Terracycle or other closed LOOP recycling to your favourite brands - We are all in this together, after all!)
- Shampoo bottles and caps
- Conditioner bottles and caps
- Hair gel tubes and caps
- Spray bottles and triggers
- Hair paste plastic jars and caps
- Lip balm tubes
- Face soap dispensers and tubes
- Lotion bottles, tubes, dispensers, and jars
- Shaving foam tubes (no cans)
- Lip gloss tubes
- Mascara tubes
- Eye liner pencils and cases
- Eye Shadow tubes
- Concealer tubes and sticks
This Zero Waste Box cannot accept aerosol cans, perfume bottles, nail polish bottles, nail polish remover bottles, electronic items such as blow dryers and straighteners, any bio-medical or bio-hazardous waste. Kindly refrain from dropping off these items.
With Terracycle we can help close the loop on waste in our beauty routines.
To thank you for your role in our commitment to sustainability, enjoy 5% off your in-store purchase the day you drop off your empties.