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Get Your Sh*t Together by Rebel Mama's by Harper Collins

Get Your Sh*t Together by Rebel Mama's

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This little gold handbook is a no-judgement, no-bullsh*t cheat sheet of all the things you need to GET YOUR $HIT TOGETHER when you’ve got a family to account for. It’s everything that school didn’t teach you about money – how to earn it, spend it, save it, invest it, and teach your kids about it.

With hot tips (and pics), quizzes, sensible tactics and clear advice, the Rebel Mamas will help you:

  • untangle wills, guardianship and other morbid subjects
  • learn how to broach money convos with your partner
  • navigate the world of parental leave
  • figure out if, when and how to go back to work
  • choose childcare options
  • ditch debt and spend more mindfully
  • understand investment strategies and create generational wealth