Sagittarius Lunar Tea
In astrology, our natal Moon sign represents our authentic, inner selves and what we need to feel emotionally secure. Just like the Moon in the sky, our natal Moon reflects the light of our Sun, (our life purpose) and tells us how we live out that purpose in the physical realm.
Therefore, unless we understand and nurture our lunar selves, we cannot authentically connect to our life purpose.
These teas are based on the ancient principles of Astroherbology and the healing power of the elements. It is a ritual tool used to help you connect with the energy of nature and cosmos through the elements, particularly water - the element of life, creation, and the Moon. By nurturing your Moon sign and balancing your emotional energy with the energy of the earth and sky, you'll fearlessly step into your authentic path.

This lunar tea is blended with herbs to soothe your tired muscles and help you stay and problem solve when the road gets tough.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)* - an analgesic that soothes the aching muscles and uplifts the adventuring spirit of Lunar Sagittarius
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)* - a powerful salve that smoothes healing of adventure wounds and hard-to-solve-problems
Sage (Salvia officinalis)* - helps Lunar Sagittarius learn tact in their communication without sacrificing the quality of their [sometimes brutal] honesty
North American nettle leaf (Urtica dioica)* - to ground the Lunar Sagittarius' often over-zealous ambitions and aspirations