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AHA vs BHA: How Do These Acids Work for Skin Exfoliation & Brightening?

Have you ever thought of using acid on your skin? 

Alpha Hydroxy Acid and Beta Hydroxy Acid, that is!

Naturally, the thought of applying an acid to the skin seems terrifying, but we are referring to natural substances that work wonders on the skin and are pretty gentle too!

Of course, the type of AHA and BHA you choose plays a role in how your skin will react, so stay till the end where we will recommend a few products we know your skin will love!

For now, sit back and dig into our latest read!

What are AHA’s and how do they work?

Alpha hydroxy acids are a group of natural and synthetic ingredients that work to beautifully exfoliate the uppermost layers of skin, yet not in the traditional sense, like a scrub for example. 

AHAs work by dissolving the sebum in your skin, think of it as breaking down the “glue” between cells that hold skin cells together. 

There are many different types of AHA’s, with glycolic acid being the holy grail of them all due to its ability to penetrate deep into the pores thanks to its small molecular structure. 

We also love Lactic acid, which is derived from milk and helps to improve skin’s natural moisture factor and is especially excellent for dry and sensitive skin types, although it works miracles on acne/congested skin types too. Lactic acid also has a small molecular weight for deep penetration and may be better than glycolic acid if your skin is quite sensitive. It’s a great beginner acid!

To try lactic acid for yourself, try our All Becomes Clear Copaiba & Zinc Blemish Serum

You’ll instantly enjoy brighter, healthier, more uplifted skin that is smoother, more hydrated and visibly firmer and more youthful over time. If this isn’t enough, you can also start saying goodbye to those stubborn blackheads because AHA’s will constantly work to loosen them until they are no more, hallelujah!

What are BHA’s and how do they work?

BHA’s are just what your problem skin needs, however, many synthetic forms can be quite harsh and lead to side-effects, including stinging, burning, redness, and even scarring of the skin.

Unlike its water-based cousin; AHA, Beta hydroxy acid is oil-based and has powerful exfoliating properties to help clear up blemishes once and for all. 

Being oil-based, it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis, drawing out toxins providing a deep down exfoliation that is beneficial for acne skin types. 

There is a natural alternative that is a lot gentler on the skin and still highly effective and this is willow bark!

Willow bark is derived from the bark of willow trees and contains a natural BHA called salicylic acid. It helps to break the bonds that hold dull, dead skin cells on the surface, increasing cell turnover, and it has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Try this excellent BHA in our Shamanuti Seaweed Toner!

For a perfect balance of both acids try our Bright and Easy 3 Minute Flash Mask, which contains Aspen bark, another excellent natural BHA, along with AHA’s to reveal your best and brightest skin!

Since acids make the skin more sun-sensitive it is very important to slather on a high-quality SPF to ensure your skin is always protected!

Will you be incorporating AHA’s and BHA’s in your skincare routine? Let us know!

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